
If you are looking for the best value in a Chemainus Bed and Breakfast / Vacation Rental, be sure to compare all the advantages and features of our private suite to what you get elsewhere.

Where others have confusing price schemes, and charge differently if you book as a Bed and Breakfast or a Vacation Rental, and/or charge more for double occupancy, and/or have a different rate for each day of the week, our pricing is simple and is always for the entire suite with all its private un-shared amenities.

  • No sales tax or room tax

PEAK SEASON – May 1 to September 30
$119.00 (Canadian Dollars) per night – Three (3) Night Minimum – Convert Currency

NON-PEAK SEASON – October 1 to April 30
$95.00 (Canadian Dollars) per night – Three (3) Night Minimum – Convert Currency

4:00 PM to 6:00 PM unless prior arrangements have been made.

11:00 AM.


  • We are exclusively for guests 55 and over
  • We have one suite only that sleeps a maximum of two
  • We are allergy friendly and cannot accommodate pets
  • Use of scented products such as cologne, aftershave, and perfume is not permitted
  • Smoking and the burning of candles, incense, etc. is not permitted
  • We are not wheelchair accessible, and because of stairs we may not be suitable for some physically challenged individuals – please ask for details
Island Serenity